Sweatshops have been a component in the creation of merchandise far and wide for a considerable length of time; however the globalization of business has created increasing number of major corporations to exploit sweatshop work in developing nations Aug 09, · In "The Story of a Sweatshop Girl," Sadie Frowne describes her life journey from peasant farmer's daughter to factory worker. Her description includes details of her daily life, and the difficulties she faces as a sweatshop girl in the early 20th century Mar 09, · Sweatshops Essay Words | 4 Pages. Sweatshops over the world can be improved through simple and big changes on both the foreign as well as American fronts. Sweatshops have always been viewed as a negative thing but no one has really tried to change or improve upon them, it is more of an out of sight out of mind mentality
Sweatshops: a Positive Side: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
Home — Essay Samples — Business — Sweatshops — Sweatshops: a Positive Side. Sweatshops is a working environment, in which people living under poverty get opportunity to earn some money for their survival.
Many organizations are dependent on the sweatshops to make profit. Sweatshop essay is true that factories get benefits from worker by providing them less salary. On the other hand, the people who are uneducated with no skills get the chance to work in factories to support their families for their daily expensive. According to some experts of economy, sweatshops are not bad as been considered if the workers are willing to work in the factory environment by their own choice. The motivation behind this paper is to examine the positive sides which is associated with sweatshops.
Sweatshops is a source of employment, opportunity to improve lifestyle and it helps developing countries to improve their situations. Firstly, Sweatshop provides employment. Sweatshop essay feel a bit of independence because of employment. Sweatshops provide employment especially for women. The specialists in developing countries states that sweatshops are one of the finest way of earning wages.
The salary enables the worker to live a better life in comparison to the local industries. Zwolinskip For women it provides sort of independence.
Financial consultant Jeffrey Sachs reports that his meetings with Bangladesh ladies working in sweatshops uncovered a startling reality, sweatshop essay. Although most of sweatshop essay women accepted that they must work for longer hours which leads to provocation and are not provided with proper worker rights. Likewise, sweatshop had open the door for the female workers, so that they would be independent enough and will earn sweatshop essay money for themselves and for family, sweatshop essay.
As a result, this would enhance their living standard. Secondly, sweatshop helps the workers to improve their lives, gain the knowledge and come to know about the outer world.
The workers come to know how to deal with branded and designer clothes, sweatshop essay. Brands are a significance of high standards. They learned about fabrics and how to care for delicate or expensive clothing, what kind of stuff garments are made of. For examples, being an international student, working in factories leads to interaction with different kind of people from different communities.
Last but not the least, sweatshops can be expanding a country economy too. It enhances GDP of any country, assured foreign investment, and promoting labor rate, sweatshop essay.
Import and export through sweatshops increasing sales of a nation. Enhancing the image in sweatshop essay world marketplace. Sweatshops companies usually find new sweatshop essay market for their native sales. May As a result, sweatshop is a source of earning especially for the women.
It gives an independence to women to help themselves to manage finances, and sweatshop essay them with creating a better life and future, sweatshop essay.
Ending these sweatshops can create the poor unemployed workers with no choice except for prostitution, scavenging or starvation. Meanwhile, sweatshops give a chance to workers to work with brands. Import and export from native country to other country helps in interactions with outer world. Working in sweatshops is better than sitting silently at home and earning nothing.
References: 1. Zwolinski, Matt, sweatshop essay, Sweatshops, Choice, sweatshop essay, and Exploitation. Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol, sweatshop essay. Arnold, D. Working conditions: Safety and sweatshops. Beauchamp Eds. New York: Oxford University Press. Sweatshops and respect for persons. Business Ethics Sweatshop essay, 13 2— Moral imagination and the future of sweatshop essay. Business and Society Review, Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.
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Sweatshops: a Positive Side Category: Business Subcategory: Workplace Culture Topic: Sweatshops Pages: 2 Words: Published: 08 October Downloads: 47 Download Print. Get help with writing, sweatshop essay. Pssst… we can write an original essay just for you. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Your time is important. Get essay help. Related Essays A Case Study of the Against Side on the Argument on the Use of Sweatshops in Developing Countries Essay.
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Sweatshops have been a component in the creation of merchandise far and wide for a considerable length of time; however the globalization of business has created increasing number of major corporations to exploit sweatshop work in developing nations Aug 09, · In "The Story of a Sweatshop Girl," Sadie Frowne describes her life journey from peasant farmer's daughter to factory worker. Her description includes details of her daily life, and the difficulties she faces as a sweatshop girl in the early 20th century Mar 09, · Sweatshops Essay Words | 4 Pages. Sweatshops over the world can be improved through simple and big changes on both the foreign as well as American fronts. Sweatshops have always been viewed as a negative thing but no one has really tried to change or improve upon them, it is more of an out of sight out of mind mentality
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