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Research paper on gay marriage

Research paper on gay marriage

research paper on gay marriage

Excerpt from Research Paper: Same Sex Couples Should Have Marriage Equality Same sex marriage, which is commonly known as gay marriage is described as a union or marriage between two people of similar biological sex or gender identity that Research Paper On Gay Marriagegive you the possibility to chat with the helper who is implementing your task. This feature helps students to avoid misunderstandings with our specialists, and it also allows you to change your requirements or provide additional Same-sex Marriage Research Paper. The legalization of same-sex marriage has been a battle that has been raging since the late twentieth century. By not allowing same-sex marriage, the United Sates

Gay Marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words

The Injustice Involving Same-sex Marriage. Lauren Altergott. Northern Illinois University. The legalization of same-sex marriage has been a battle that has been raging since the late twentieth century. By not allowing same-sex marriage, the United Sates is creating discrimination against same-sex couples. People of faith are the biggest advocates against same-sex marriages. With the belief that marriage is the foundation for procreation, same-sex couples, without the ability to have their own child, should not be allowed the right of marriage.

Seeing that there are many rights and responsibilities associated with marriage, same-sex couples are denied these and are being discriminated against. Although many states have adopted civil unions, research paper on gay marriage, they are separate and unequal.

Same-sex marriage should be legalized to create equality and eliminate the injustice involving same-sex couples. Research paper, research paper on gay marriage.

Marriage is a basic human right for every individual. Same sex marriage should be legalized in Illinois. History of same sex marriage, research paper on gay marriage. Same sex marriage in early years.

Ancient civilizations. Rise research paper on gay marriage Christianity. First laws against same sex relationships. National awareness and rise of the Gay Movement, research paper on gay marriage.

Religion and same sex marriage. Having children is main reason for marriage. Artificial insemination. Other alternatives for having children. Marriage ceremonies involving the church. Church blessing. The church does not marry people. The church has blessed many other things that involve destruction.

Organization of bill. The bill could be crafted in a way so the church is not involved. Marriage would take place in a courtroom. Denied rights. Marriage is a right every individual is entitled to. Social Security benefits upon death, disability or retirement of spouse, as well as benefits for minor children, workers' compensation protections for the family of a worker injured on the job, exemptions from estate taxes when a spouse dies, exemptions from federal income taxes on spouse's health insurance are all denied to same sex couples.

Emotional trauma. Ideal image of a family. Father and mother figure. Parents would still rather see their children find someone who loves them and be happy. Civil unions versus marriage. Civil unions are separate and unequal.

Heterosexual people can be in a civil union but homosexual people cannot get married. There are no benefits associated with a civil union. Civil unions are not recognized state to state.

The battle over same-sex marriage will be forever ongoing. Same-sex marriage has been in history for decades. Design of the bill. Restate Main arguments as well as counterarguments. Legalizing same-sex marriage will create equality. In early times, same-sex marriage was not considered taboo and in many cultures, it was encouraged. Random History explains that in the early civilizations of Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, the union between couples of the same-sex was recognized by the kingdom.

Same-sex marriages were often believed to be more pure than a heterosexual marriage. Research paper on gay marriage was believed to be the union of two people based on love. A marriage consisting of two males or two females, if women had the right to get married, was not frowned upon. It was not until the rise of Christianity that a negative attitude towards same-sex marriage became introduced. The belief that marriage was based on procreation and any relationship that was non-procreative began to increase in many societies.

Japanese Buddhism research paper on gay marriage the most tolerant attitude toward homosexuality, praising it for its mystery. Today, there are no religious or political limitations on homosexual behavior in Japan. Sexuality is considered a private matter and lacks any restrictions. Other things, such as mixed race relationships were considered more offensive than homosexuality. Random History also explains how in the thirteenth century, the first laws banning sodomy were introduced and were strictly enforced.

Through the next centuries, homosexual behavior became deviant and was punished. Due to the belief that homosexual behavior was wrong, the belief that heterosexual relationships were normal became popular among the majority of countries. By the nineteenth century, heterosexuality became the most believed standard for relationships. Although the debate for same-sex marriage became noticeably public in the late twentieth century, it was not until during a Hawaiian case, that the issue became national news.

The ruling of the case stated that the restriction of marriage and its benefits to opposite-sex couples were unconstitutional. By that same year, a majority of states passed laws prohibiting same-sex marriage. Since then, states have defined their own definition of marriage.

Despite the fact that the debate over same-sex marriage is relatively new in the United States, five states have made same-sex marriage legal, as well as Washington D. In California, the marriage is only recognized if it was before proposition 8. Ballot Pedias research explains how proposition 8 is a statewide ballot proposition in California.

The people of California voted for the illegalization of same-sex marriage. Research paper on gay marriage some people are against same-sex marriages for religious reasons, not allowing same-sex marriages is discrimination. Same-sex marriages should be legalized because the discrimination same-sex couples receive is emotionally traumatic, and unfair. The most influential reason against same-sex marriage is based on religion. Many people believe that procreation is the ideal reason for marriage.

Their belief is that same-sex couples do not have the capability to produce children which is the basis for marriage. However, when two of the most influential religious icons discussed marriage, child bearing was not a reason for two people to get married. Both men stressed how the quality of a relationship was the most important aspect for marriage.

If marriage is reserved for having a child, then same-sex marriages are not an issue. Many same-sex couples employ artificial insemination to conceive a child. The two have a 21 year old daughter by artificial insemination. People marry each other. Sullivan also states how the church has blessed fields when crops have been planted, MX missiles, new houses, research paper on gay marriage, and warships whose sole purpose is to kill and destroy.

There is no reason the church should not bless a relationship in which two people vow to be faithful and love research paper on gay marriage other for all eternity. Supporters of same-sex marriage believe the bill to allow same-sex marriage should be crafted in a specific way that will help win votes from people of faith.

If the bill was written and carried out in a certain way, the church would not have any association with same-sex couples getting married because the process would be carried out in a courtroom.

By the government prohibiting same-sex couples from getting married, they are denying them rights that every other American has. There are numerous rights and responsibilities that are associated with marriage. Same-sex couples are being discriminated against because they are not allowed any of these rights.

Social Security benefits upon death, disability or retirement of spouse, as well as benefits for minor children, workers' compensation protections for the family of a worker injured on the job, exemptions from estate taxes when a spouse dies, exemptions from federal income taxes on spouse's health insurance are all denied to same-sex couples.

The discrimination and denial of marriage and its benefits of same-sex couples can be emotionally traumatic at times. Conservatives believe that the ideal family includes one father and one mother, research paper on gay marriage. Both of the parents influence their children in a certain way. Many believe that a same-sex couple cannot raise a child properly because the child is not raised with both fatherly and motherly qualities.

However, Sullivan also discusses how even though some parents may be disappointed that their child will not produce a grandchild, they would still prefer to see their child find someone to love and live with and share his or her life with.

If a child is surrounded by two parents who love them, research paper on gay marriage, they will develop and grow as any other child would. Many states have legalized civil unions since Although civil unions provide legal protection to same-sex couples, they are only recognized at the state level.

Many believe legalizing same-sex marriage is not an urgent issue because civil unions are becoming legal in more states. There is a vast amount of differences in a marriage and civil union.

Gay Marriage Research Paper

, time: 1:23

Same-sex Marriage Research Paper - Lauren Altergott's E-Portfolio

research paper on gay marriage

The Gay marriage issue has been on the discussion table for quite a long time now, usually it is seen as the civil rights of an individual versus morality. Some states have resulted to giving licenses to such couples others denying them as they believe that giving gay couples the full benefit of marriage is ‘killing’ the culture of traditional marriages(Arp,) Based on already existing research this paper concludes that from a religious, moral, and ethical standpoint, gay marriages should never be legalized through constitutional amendments. Introduction Gay marriage (marriage between individuals of a similar sex) is a type of marriage existing between two people of a similar biological sex or gender blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Same-sex Marriage Research Paper. The legalization of same-sex marriage has been a battle that has been raging since the late twentieth century. By not allowing same-sex marriage, the United Sates

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