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Literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry

Literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry

literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry

The objective of this work is to review the literature of the main concepts that lead to determining the strategic approach, creation of strategies, organizational structures, strategy formulation, and strategic evaluation as a guide for the organizational management, taking into account the effects produced by the different types of strategies on the performance of organizations Abstract- The automobile industry today is the most lucrative industry. Due to increase in disposable income in both rural and REVIEW OF LITERATURE Manish Kumar Srivastava, A.K. Tiwari [1], studies the consumer behavior for A3 segment vehicles such as Honda City and SX4 in a Similarly, the idea of measuring the customer satisfaction Evidences from Automobile Industry A literature review study by Vidyadhar Gedam, Parthiban Srinivas, Balkrishna Narkhede, Vaibhav Narwane, Ashwini Gotmare This research intends to identify and test the impact of factors that lead to customer satisfaction in the hotel industry. Hotel attributes, service quality and brand image are

Positioning – a literature review | Emerald Insight

A systematic review of positioning was conducted. Literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry review conformed to a rigorous set of core principles: it was systematic organized according to a method designed to address the review questionstransparent explicitly statedreproducible and updatable and synthesized summarized the evidence relating to the review question.

The literature review reveals that there is lack of coherent definition for positioning, and there is no mutual agreement among marketing scholars and practitioners about the exact meaning of the concept. This study acknowledges limitations with respect to its exclusive search criteria, which might affect its generalizability.

Position and positioning is of relevance in society in broad terms, e. in sports, politics and culture. This is the first systematic review of positioning that provides a detailed understanding of the current state of positioning research on a single platform and also draws a comprehensive positioning conceptualization. Saqib, N. ahead-of-print No.

Copyright ©Natasha Saqib. Published in PSU Research Review. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article for both commercial and non-commercial purposessubject to full attribution to the original publication and authors.

Positioning has received much attention over the past decade and has emerged as a highly influential marketing management paradigm. It is generally accepted that theoretically, practically and strategically positioning has become one of the key components in modern marketing management, both from the academic point of view Aaker and Shansby, ; Arnott, ; Blankson and Kalafatis, ; Boatswain, ; Crawford et al.

By making the wrong positioning decision, a company could develop a misguided marketing mix and thus go down an undesirable path. Moreover, because of its literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry effect on profitability and long-term success of the firm it has been applied to consumer products Boatswain, ; Crawford, ; Diwan and Bodla, ; Fuchs and Diamantopoulos,industrial products Simkin et al.

Thus, the wide use of the positioning concept underlines its importance, usefulness and applicability. The literature is full of statements emphasizing the importance of positioning. Aaker and Shansby claim that product positioning is so central and critical that it should be considered at the level of a mission statement.

Dovel considers positioning as the essence of a business and backbone of a business plan. While Johansson and ThorelliKellerPerreault and McCarthyWilson and Fenwick and Wind believe that product positioning is the foundation of the firms marketing strategy. More specifically, Maggard points out that positioning can make a real contribution as a conceptual vehicle through which various marketing concepts market segmentation, product differentiation, consumer preference, target market and the like might be synchronized more effectively.

Crawford believes that positioning is meant to drive the entire marketing programme of the organization and sees positioning as an ingredient of total strategy, not just an advertising ploy, product, brand, price, promotion and distribution must all be consistent with the positioning statement.

Ries and Trout acknowledge positioning to be the tool of competitive warfare. Schouten and McAlexander contend that a key benefit of a successful positioning strategy is the partial insulation it gives from the competitive pressures of other firm. Therefore, positioning is an important source of competitive advantage Cronshaw et al. There is a positive relationship between the positioning related decision and the brand success that is the success of brand moves around the pivot of positioning decision Fuchs and Diamantopoulos, ; Pham and Muthukrishnan, ; Punj and Moon, Therefore, branding and positioning are interrelated and positioning is also the cornerstone of brand management Blankson and Kalafatis, ; de Chernatony, ; Esch, Several authors Brooksbank, ; Day et al.

Positioning has an impact on important consumer-based outcome variables such as higher consumer loyalty, higher brand equity and value Hartmann et al. In addition to non-financial customer-centred indicators, literature has examined positioning effectiveness in terms of financial performance indicators. More specifically, several authors Blankson et al. Hence, the most important decision firm will ever make about its product is how it should position its product. This article presents an exhaustive examination of research on positioning, particularly research that addresses the problem of conceptualizing and defining positioning.

The basis of the literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry is a literature review of positioning research published in academic journals between and These articles range across such disciplines as marketing, strategic marketing and management. The study uses network analysis and text mining to identify how research defines positioning and discusses how the definitions of positioning have been developed on different perspectives.

The concept of positioning can be traced back to the s when positioning was popularized in consumer product marketing by pioneers such as Alpert and Gatty they identified positioning as the differentiation of brands according to consumer perceptions they studied differences in consumers perceptions of the organizations products brands when these were positioned differently using technology as the differentiating dimension over similar products in the market place.

However, contemporary writers on the subject of positioning Hooley et al, literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry. They then made the concept popular by publishing a series of articles in Advertising Age in The groundbreaking series illustrated perceptual positioning related to the concept of positioning and triggered a profound paradigm shift in how people viewed advertising and marketing and how firms advertised their products.

Back inRies and Trout published their book, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry, which placed an entirely different spin on the concept.

Although there is a vast amount of literature on positioning, and this inquisitive verb is in great favour among marketing experts, literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry, it is one of the most convoluted concept and is still subject to incomprehension. The concept of positioning is subject to considerable differences in interpretation Maggard, It is perhaps one of the thorniest and most complex concepts in marketing Bhat and Reddy, One of the reasons for this circumstance is the issue that there is no mutual agreement among marketing scholars and practitioners about the exact meaning of the concept.

It is, however, important to note that the lack of coherent definitions Arnott, ; Blankson and Kalafatis, ; Crosier, ; DiMingo, ; Holmes, ; Maggard, and Smith and Lusch, and the difficulties involved in the implementation of the positioning process by practitioners de Chernatony, has invariably given rise to comments about the lack of appreciation of the positioning concept Pollay, To some, it means the segmentation decision.

To others it is an image question. To still others it means selecting which product features to emphasize, and it still holds true today. The foregoing is summarized by Bainsfair who states that positioning is one of those words which everybody uses but few people understand.

According to Riggerthe absence of a rigorous definition is inhibiting both practitioner and academic scholars in developing appropriate means of measuring the operationalization of positioning. Blankson and Kalafatis highlighted that there has been no single universally accepted definition of the concept of positioning. Specifically, the boundaries of the concept are often not clearly defined — the question what exactly falls under the scope of positioning has not been sufficiently answered in literature and is still subject to heavy debate in the marketing community.

This state of affairs has given rise to several varying terms associated with the concept, i. positioning, position, product positioning, market positioning, etc. Further according to Literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry and Luschproduct position and brand position are different in scope; product position refers to the objective attributes in relation to other products and brand position refers to subjective attributes in relation literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry competing brands and this perceived image of the brand does not belong to the product but is the property of consumers perceptions of a brand.

However, in broader terms, the terms product positioning and brand positioning usually mean the same thing Kazmi, Urde and Koch in their review of positioning also claim that there is surprising vagueness of the concept, the lack of the holistic view and the dominance of the market oriented approach, literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry.

According to Fuchspositioning is an important, rich and a difficult area for future research. Marketers have developed an impressive variety of highly valuable research techniques and models in positioning research. However, on the conceptual and empirical front, research on positioning is scarce and lagging behind. Nevertheless, more research is needed to obtain a better general understanding of the positioning concept. In the following section, the present review and analysis of definitions of positioning used in articles from to are presented.

This study used a systematic literature review to identify articles that define or conceptualize the concept of positioning. Systematic review has its origins in the medical field and has been developed through the Cochrane Collaboration. Some of the features of this approach have been adopted in the social sciences.

A systematic literature review is neither a formal full-length literature review nor a meta-analysis, as it conforms to a rigorous set of core principles. It has to be systematic organized according to a method designed to address the review questionstransparent explicitly statedreproducible and updatable and synthesized summarizes the evidence relating to the review question Briner and Denyer, In other words, it is an essential tool for an evidence-based practice Briner and Denyer, that differs from traditional narrative reviews by adopting a replicable, scientific and transparent process Tranfield et al.

The present study examines not only how these definitions are different but also what they have in common.

The review identified relevant articles, which enabled a transparent, documented research process with criteria for including and excluding articles. The systematic review involved the following steps: State research questions develop guidelines for collecting literature, decide on inclusion and exclusion criteria, develop a comprehensive search plan for finding literature, develop a codebook for classifying and describing literature, code the literature and synthesize the literature Tranfield et al.

The present study explores the various ways in which positioning has been defined in the literature to determine whether these definitions are different and also what they have in common.

The main search strategy identified research articles that defined the concept of positioning. To capture this, inclusion and exclusion criteria were developed. The initial inclusion criteria were broad to ensure that all relevant articles were identified, were peer-reviewed empirical or conceptual articles, were published in English and had the definition of positioning.

To achieve the mentioned objective, five dominant academic databases including Scopus, Emerald, EBSCOS, Wiley Online Library and Science Direct were explored to identify articles on positioning. This paper reviews literature spanning from to The initial search yielded 1, empirical or conceptual articles, 1, of which were in English.

Figure 1 provides an overview of the selection process. All articles were scanned for relevance, which revealed two clear trends. Second, many of those articles that did specifically focus on positioning did not provide a specific definition of the concept.

This lack of a definition provides further merit to our claim that a clear understanding of positioning is missing in the literature. In literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry, articles that had a clear focus on positioning were selected for further analysis.

Two authors independently read the selected articles to ensure that they met the inclusion criteria and to identify those that defined or conceptualized positioning. Those authors compared and discussed the results; in cases of disagreement, a third author was consulted. The final sample included articles that provided at least one of the following: a clear definition, a conceptualization or an explicit referral to a specific definition or conceptualization of positioning.

To analyze the sample of articles, a combination of qualitative content analysis and quantitative analysis was used, which is a method for systematically and objectively evaluating texts Lombard et al.

The analysis was conducted in three steps — classification, literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry, coding and text analysis — using qualitative text mining Feldman and Sanger, Researchers often face the question of how to summarize text and determine what words and concepts are more significant than others.

To go further than merely summarize, quantitative text analysis was used so that our review would be more than just descriptive statistics and qualitatively comparing and present definitions. Textmining, also known as text data mining or knowledge discovery from textual databases, refers to the process of extracting interesting and non-trivial patterns or knowledge from text documents Feldman and Sanger, ; Witell et al. The rationale for this process builds on social network theory, which describes linkages among social entities or nodes in a network and the implications of these linkages and can be used on text to determine which words are significant Xie, ; Witell et al.

All selected articles were downloaded and definitions were captured in digital plain-text format. Each article was then coded according to several predetermined variables, such as context, definitions, approach and type of study for example, empirical, conceptual to describe the characteristics of the sample. All text were stemmed, literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry, a procedure that involves reducing all words with the same stem to a common form Lovins, ; Witell et al.


, time: 3:40

literature review on customer satisfaction in automobile industry

Jan 01,  · Moreover, extant literature found that customer satisfaction is considered one of the most significant determinants of customer loyalty (Pérez and Del Bosque , Akbari et al. ). Therefore, we hypothesize: H6. Customer satisfaction has a positive significant association with customer loyalty. Customer trust and customer loyalty The purpose of this paper is to review state-of-the-art literature on product/brand positioning to re-examine the positioning concept and developing a more comprehensive definition from a theoretical viewpoint.,A systematic review of positioning was conducted. The review conformed to a rigorous set of core principles: it was systematic (organized according to a method designed to address the Abstract- The automobile industry today is the most lucrative industry. Due to increase in disposable income in both rural and REVIEW OF LITERATURE Manish Kumar Srivastava, A.K. Tiwari [1], studies the consumer behavior for A3 segment vehicles such as Honda City and SX4 in a Similarly, the idea of measuring the customer satisfaction

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